with wilcoxon returns same score for multiple genes

Hi everyone,
Just a simple question.
I have run to find DEGs between two clusters.

  • I have set method="wilcoxon"
  • Using shifted log normalized values.
  • I have set tie_correct = False (Also, I have tried it with ‘True’)
  • I have set rankby_abs = True

When I checked the resulting dataframe using scanpy.get.rank_genes_groups_df, I got many genes with duplicated scores.
I want to do GSEA with gseapy, using scores. But of course, I get a warning about genes with the same score. So, do you know how to deal with these genes with identical scores? Also, is it a little bit weird to get the same score? Could it be a decimal thing?

Example dataframe for some duplicated scores:

names scores logfoldchanges pvals pvals_adj pct_nz_group
A530040E14Rik 4.767420 21.592094 0.000002 0.000006 0.005073
1700048O20Rik 4.767420 21.506248 0.000002 0.000006 0.005073
Jakmip1 4.697415 -0.022416 0.000003 0.000008 0.181096
Nrcam 4.697415 0.745594 0.000003 0.000008 0.018262

I appreciate any help you can provide.