I’m working on a big dataset of immune cells, where we sequenced total PBMCs.
After I’ve identified the different immune cell families with known signatures, I would like to select specific clusters and perform the reclustering of them to study more in detail the differences within that specific population.
My question is related to whether I have or not to use the code “sc.AnnData()” after the selection of the clusters.
To be more precise, this is the code:
(adata is the total object, while adata_reduced is the subsetting)
- adata_reduced = adata[adata.obs[‘leiden’].isin([‘1’, ‘6’])].copy()
- adata_reduced = sc.AnnData(X = adata_reduced.raw.X, obs = adata_reduced.obs, var = adata_reduced.var, layers = adata_reduced.layers)
Should I use the code in line 2 or after the subsetting I can directly proceed with the HVG selection and integration (I use scVI-tools), with new neighbors and PAGA and UMAP calculations?
Thanks a lot!