Understanding the GPU related warning while setting up SCVI

I followed the exact steps documented in Installation - scvi-tools. I can see my gpu in nvidia-smi command. Yet whenever I am setting up the model as follows,


I am meeting with the following error,

Unable to initialize backend 'cuda': module 'jaxlib.xla_extension' has no attribute 'GpuAllocatorConfig'
Unable to initialize backend 'rocm': module 'jaxlib.xla_extension' has no attribute 'GpuAllocatorConfig'
Unable to initialize backend 'tpu': module 'jaxlib.xla_extension' has no attribute 'get_tpu_client'
Unable to initialize backend 'plugin': xla_extension has no attributes named get_plugin_device_client. Compile TensorFlow with //tensorflow/compiler/xla/python:enable_plugin_device set to true (defaults to false) to enable this.
No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)

I know these are warnings, but I would love to know what it really means or are there any downstream implications (e.g. not being able to utilize the GPU etc.)


These are related to our jax dependency. It will not be a problem that jax is not installed to use your gpu.