I used the spatialdata_io xenium function to load in my xenium data, which appears to work exactly as described. However, when I try to view my xenium image using: Interactive([adata])
The napari viewer is empty. I am able to render images when using the included visium H&E datasets, so I don’t think there is anything going on with my environment. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
Please use Interactive(sdata) (or Interactive([sdata])), as differently from squidpy, napari-spatialdata visualizes SpatialData objects, not AnnData objects.
Please save the SpatialData object to disk and read it again before using napari, because until you save and re-read you won’t be exploiting the performance of Zarr. It could be that you see black because the image takes long to load.
Otherwise I would suggest trying installing the latest mail (pip install git+https://) of spatialdata, spatialdata-io, napari-spatialdata and spatialdata-plot.