Hello scverse community.
I am working with analysis of scATACseq dataset with 5 samples for 5 time points(d01, d05, d10, d25 and an Infected sample). I did the usual pre-processing for each sample (via signac) and I merged these 5 individual samples into a single seurat object :
atac_data ← Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y), list(d01, d05, d10, d25, Inf_dpi4)).
This merged object I converted to an anndata object :
adata ← convertFormat(atac_data, from = “seurat”, to = “anndata”, main_layer = “counts”, assay = “peaks”, drop_single_values = FALSE, outFile = “converted_object_all5_unfiltered.h5ad”)
and then used it with PEAKVI and obtain the UMAP.
Although I obtained the UMAP for this entire “merged” dataset, I would like to see the sample wise contribution to the UMAP - as an example please see the image below the image from ArchR.
Question 1: Is it correct that I merged the indivodual seurat objects into a single seurat object and then converted it or would it have been better if I had converted 5 seurat objects individually into anndata objects and then concatenated it - Would I then be able access sample-wise information in the UMAP?
Question2: Is it possible to obtain the sample-wise information for an UMAP obtained from PEAKVI at all or do I need to convert this PEAKVI-trained object back into a seurat object and then try to hopefully generate a UMAP?
I feel like I am missing a step/trick somewhere but I cant see by myself what it is.
If you could provide me the information and/or point me to a link or tutorial where I can find a solution then it would be very helpful to me. Thank you for your time.